7/18/24: made a ANOTHER new guestbook (switched to atabook) plus posted some art and zines :) check it out!!
6/24/24: posted a zine about pinkerton by weezer
6/24/24: made a page for my zines and posted absolute sun
6/2/24: made a new guestbook (rip 123guestbook.com...)
4/14/24: added new art !!! (big update comign soon maybe)
2/23/24: new art
2/19/24: added more to half-life shrine and added more art!
12/23/23: edited half-life shrine a little >_>
12/22/23: created shrine pages (nothing inside them yet...)
11/23/23: added art to art gallery and transferred movie reviews from spacehey to my writings page
11/22/23: edited art page (formerly the gallery page)
11/19/23: edited about me page
11/13/23: made links and shrines pages
11/12/23: added my button!!! and made gallery page
10/2/23: joined lambda webring
8/28/23: made writings page
8/27/23: added more stuff to about me page
8/26/23: edited about me page
8/23/23: finally made the about me page and added some more graphics to the main page
8/22/23: added some blinkies, stamps, and other various decor
8/21/23: redid everything. literally
this website was made on a laptop on firefox so just zoom in/out if needed. and don't try to view this on mobile

welcome to my website! i made this in the summer of 2021 when i was in a vocaloid phase and had limited knowledge of coding. since then it's changed alongside my interests and as i get better at web design. i've been pretty off/on with updating it, and i think this is like the fourth time i've recreated everything from scratch? anyway, i'm going to try my best to update regularly, but it might be hard since i'm also a student... enjoy seeing the insides of my head!!

sign my guestbook!